
My name is Katharine (Kat) Mena and I am a freshman Finance and Entrepreneurship student at Miami University. I love anything and everything to do with creativity and innovation and I really am not a huge fan of writing. If you find me writing anything that is not school required, it will always have something to do with business. I prefer business writing because it is short, concise, and to the point.


With that being said, I strongly dislike writing long research papers that require extensive research on a topic that I don’t have extensive knowledge about prior to writing, or that does not capture all of my interest.

Over the course of the semester, as you can read about in my reflection essay located under the “Reflection” tab, I found myself enjoying the papers where I could express my personal opinions and absolutely dreading assignments such as inquiry 3 and 4 because they required exactly what I dread: extensive research on a topic that I did not have prior knowledge on and did not capture all of my interest.


This website is a compilation of all of the writings that I have composed in ENG 111 over the course of the semester. I have divided them into inquiries and canvas posts. Under the inquiries tabs, you will be able to view my rough draft of each of the inquiries that are listed under the final drafts tab, with the exception of inquiries 3 and 4. This is because I struggled with inquiry 3 and changed my topic the day before. Therefore, I did not have a rough draft. For inquiry 4, since it was a video, I did not have a rough draft saved of that one either.

I hope you enjoy the website & thanks for stoppin’ by!  

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